
The sky has taken on a shade of grey. Reflects my mood today - gloomy. The air smells of rain. (Yeah, I could smell it from within this cage which is popularly known by the name cubicle.) How I wish I could tuck into my bed now and curl up with a book - preferably Ruskin Bond! There is something about reading Ruskin Bond when it rains. Something that I'm unable put into words. It's as enjoyable as partaking hot bajji and filter kappi on a rainy day. My idea of heaven. It has started to rain. It couldn't have chosen a more inappropriate moment. My mind and heart are engaged in a tug of war. My heart wants to swim in the sea of memories this rain evokes. My mind reminds me of work that needs to be completed today. For the moment, it's mind that is on top. Sigh!


  1. Sigh!
    Why does it always have to be the mind?! :-(

  2. Good kostin! :P
    It's because I'm being paid for heeding to the mind, not following the heart. :P


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