Monday Morning Blues

Weekend has come to an end & the prospect of going to office on Monday Morning gives me a pip. Not that I'm excited about going to office on other days, but Mondays are extenuating circumstances. Wish I had a time machine. Sigh!

We Balajis (yeah, I'm reading P.G.Wodehouse a lot these days) are generally cheerful, but it beats me how the mere thought of Monday drains all the enthusiastic spirit in me and fills me with melancholy & makes me feel like a mortician.

As if there weren't reasons for me to feel gloomy about, few of my colleagues take sadistic pleasure in adding fuel to fire. Every Monday Morning, without fail, the moment I open my inbox to check if any of friends had sent me the latest picture of {Censored}, I'm greeted by a mail with the most disgusting subject mankind has ever seen: "Thank God It's Monday".

How could anyone be thankful to god for the day being Monday? I fail to see any reason. No, the fact that I'm an atheist in the making has nothing to do with it. Even the most god-loving creatures in my team squirm at that.

These days I have stopped reading the interviews of successful business magnates. The reason being all of them have the same weakness; that they can't wait for Monday Morning to go for work. The more I read them, the stronger I feel that I can never become a successful car driver for successful businessmen, let alone becoming a successful business man myself.

One of the posters stuck outside my office library always catches my attention, even though I loathe the message written on it. It reads as the following:

"One-seventh of your life is Monday. Might as well look forward to it."

BAH! is all I can say. With great difficulty I supress my urge to show the middle finger to that poster! I'm most certain that this should have been told by some successful business magnates who go around giving interviews in the newspaper only to make guys like me feel all the more sick.

(At this moment, the author clicks on the 'Spell Check' icon & after 0.089 seconds comes the response: No misspellings found. The author is truly delighted for this is the first time ever the author has written more than two paragraphs with no spelling mistakes. :D :D The author punches the air to celebrate, but stops abruptly when he finds his sister gaping at him as if the author has forgotten to wear his trouser.)


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